Quick Start
Check this tutorial on how to get started with Dover. Simple and easy!

Automatic Database Creation
Create your UDO, User Defined Table and User Defined Fields without any additional code.

Business One DAO
Access your Business One Database in a standard way, making it easier to manage your resources and remove boilerplate code.

Integrated i18n
Dover support native internationalization for Forms (System, User and UDOs) and also for all your menus, integrating it with .NET I18N Resources.

Enterprise Logging
Dover integrates gracefully with Log4Net and also implement a custom appender that enables you to log directly on UI-API.

Annotated transactions
Forget about all that boilerplate code you need to manage transactions. Just annotate it and Dover does the rest for you.

Lifecycle management
Start, Stop, Install and Update your solution without restarting and reinstalling your Addon.

Exception Handler
Never care about untreated exceptions and unstable Addons. With Dover all of this is automatically handled and logged for you.

IoC Containers
Use the benefits of inversion of control to make dependency between your objects more clear and improve testability.
Icons by Timothy Miller License: Creative Commons 3.0