Dover Framework
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
oCDover.Framework.Attribute.AddInAttributeAddIn general information and configuration.
oCDover.Framework.ApplicationMain entry point for the Dover Framework. During Application creation all resources are configured and assembly dependencies are registered in the AppDomain
oCDover.Framework.DAO.BusinessOneDAOBusiness One DAO (Data Access Object) Implementation.
oCDover.Framework.Factory.ContainerManagerClass that encapsulates creation of WindsorContainer, responsible for IoC of Dover framework
oCDover.Framework.Form.DoverFormBaseBase class for all forms. It has the same signature of FormBase from SAP Business One Business One Studio Framework
|oCDover.Framework.Form.DoverUDOFormBaseBase class for UDO Forms
|\CDover.Framework.Form.DoverUserFormBaseBase class for UserForms
oCDover.Framework.Attribute.MenuEventAttributeUsed to bind a form of method to a specific menu UID
oCDover.Framework.Attribute.PermissionAttributeUsed to create custom Addin Permission attributes.
\CDover.Framework.Attribute.ResourceBOMAttributeInclude a resource on the AddInProject. All resources will be installed by Dover on AddIn Install.